Community, place and identity

Community, place and identity

Three people looking at a piece of outdoor public art. The artwork is made up of larger notebook pages. The page to the front of the image has the text: to leaf is
To Leaf is to Learn - public art by Juanjo Novella and Simon Armitage (Photo by Mark Webster)

Research Digest: Culture and placemaking

A group of adults sat together at a table doing an arts and crafts activity using green paper.
Skippko Arts Team. Photo by Nicki Taylor.

My essential reads: The politics and possibilities of artists working with communities

People gathered around small boats on the edge of a dock.
‘Whose heritage matters? Working with community-based organisations at Dunga Beach cultural heritage site in Kisumu’. Photo by Beth Perry.

My essential reads: The value of culture in urban sustainability

Photo of an actor standing on a platform in front of water. A projection of a person in the background.
Slung Low, Flood Part 4. Image: Malcolm Johnson

Sharing learning: Reframing success and failure in artistic practice – Slung Low

Children watching outdoor performance through railings
Back to Ours – Back to Bransholme. Photo: Jerome Whittingham @Photomoments

Sharing learning: Fostering good working relationships with audiences and collaborators – Back To Ours

Drawing of a spiders web and spider
'Anansi' by Ifinrod

My essential reads: storytelling, language and resistance

Screenshot from webinar

Webinar: Whose cultural values?

Dancers on a stage performing
British Council. Oona Doherty, Hard to Be Soft. Photo: Luca Truffarelli

Webinar: international cultural policy responses to Covid-19