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The Audience Agency

The Audience Agency is a mission-led charity: our purpose is to enable cultural organisations to use our national data to increase their relevance, reach and resilience.

We believe arts and culture have the power to improve the quality of people’s lives, to create meaning and community, to promote empathy and learning. The more citizens are involved in shaping culture and taking part, the greater the power. Our mission is to give the public a voice in shaping a vibrant, relevant culture.

The Audience Agency is funded by the Arts Council, as a Sector Support Organisation, to lead on supporting cultural organisations to gain a deeper understanding of current and potential audiences.

Resources listed under The Audience Agency also include those produced by the former agencies All About Audiences, Audiences London and Arts About Manchester.

Resources by The Audience Agency

Spectacle Media: Silwood Video Archive Project — the aim of this project was to open the Silwood video archive for the first time since filming began 20 years ago and invite the Silwood community to watch, comment on, and begin a participatory editing process to draw out the stories of Silwood.

Cinema Nation: Tag L8 — Cinema Nation worked with participants to create an interactive online platform that could hold community archive material from the Liverpool L8 area, alongside training resources.

Sheffield Feminist Archive (SFA): Women in Lockdown — this project aimed to document women’s experiences of the pandemic – in their own words – through written, audio, and creative accounts.

Bearwood Community Hub: Podcast: Celebrating Bearwood Women — with the support of Sandwell Community History and Archive Service (CHAS), and local community groups, this project invited women in Bearwood to add their voice to the historic record and create a new podcast: Celebrating Bearwood Women.

LGBT Foundation LTD: ‘LGBT+ Oral Histories Digital Archive’ — this project created a digital, accessible archive of LGBT+ oral histories focused on community empowerment and queer activism in Greater Manchester and beyond.

Digital Heritage Hub is managed by Arts Marketing Association (AMA) in partnership with The Heritage Digital Consortium and The University of Leeds. It has received Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and National Lottery funding, distributed by The Heritage Fund as part of their Digital Skills for Heritage initiative. Digital Heritage Hub is free and answers small to medium sized heritage organisations most pressing and frequently asked digital questions.

Arts Marketing Association
Heritage Digital
University of Leeds logo
The Heritage Fund logo