The Audience Agency

The Audience Agency is a mission-led charity: our purpose is to enable cultural organisations to use our national data to increase their relevance, reach and resilience.
We believe arts and culture have the power to improve the quality of people’s lives, to create meaning and community, to promote empathy and learning. The more citizens are involved in shaping culture and taking part, the greater the power. Our mission is to give the public a voice in shaping a vibrant, relevant culture.
The Audience Agency is funded by the Arts Council, as a Sector Support Organisation, to lead on supporting cultural organisations to gain a deeper understanding of current and potential audiences.
Resources listed under The Audience Agency also include those produced by the former agencies All About Audiences, Audiences London and Arts About Manchester.
Resources by The Audience Agency
Adapting to survive – designing for resilienceHow the arts can survive in tough times
Resources and case studies on engaging young people
Audience analysis for the visual arts in Pennine Lancashire
How to develop media relations to increase coverage of your organisation
Enabling diversity in Greater Manchester
How to write a press release
Family friendly film festival evaluation
How to design a visitor survey
How to carry out a visitor survey
How to analyse survey responses
Survey design: examples of research questions and answer codes
Audience profiles for contemporary dance
Engaging older people with culture
How to effectively and collaboratively market touring work
A guide to commissioning new research
What makes a successful family friendly event?
Creating successful family friendly programming
Interpreting key indicators in the performing arts
Benchmarking audiences for London contemporary visual arts
How dance companies & venues can develop effective relationships
Information, motivation and offer: getting group visits right at The Royal Collection
How museums and galleries can get their family friendly activities offer right
Family friendly tourism – how to get families to visit a destination
Visual examples of the Family Friendly website
Reviewing the Family Friendly Campaign 1994-1995
Reviewing the Family Friendly Campaign 1998-1999
Reviewing the Family Friendly Campaign – Final Report 2001
Evaluation of Big Dance 2008 in Manchester and Liverpool
Family friendly resource ideas
How to develop a research plan
Discover Dance – an evaluation of a development programme
Encouraging older people to engage with culture
How arts and cultural organisations can work with schools
Researching audiences at outdoor events and festivals
Audience Research: Cornerhouse Manchester
Gallery research
Cultural tourism: a glossary
Key facts and figures for cultural tourism
Developing cultural tourists: London 2012
How Visit London can help you reach more visitors
A guide to monitoring audience diversity
An overview of MOSAIC profiling groups
Audience research for a London arts festival
Audience feedback from the Showtime festival
Data sharing in relation to the Data Protection Act
Dance Touring Partnership Box Office Analysis 2013–2015
Impact of a Data-Scientist-in-Residence on the Barbican
Impact of a Data-Scientist-in-Residence on the ENO
Impact of a Data-Scientist-in-Residence on the National Theatre
Impact of a Data-Scientist-in-Residence on The Audience Agency
Outdoor Arts research into audiences
Donor research into arts and cultural audiences
National Visual Arts Audience benchmarking
From ‘Them’ to ‘Us’: the art of leading with an audience focus
Audience Agency Sample Data Management Policy
Effective Audience Development Planning
Outdoor Arts Audience Report 2018
Museums Audience Report 2018
Older Audiences Engagement Snapshot 2018
What is Resilience Anyway?
Art UK Audience Broadening Initiative Report 2018
Cinegi Arts and Film Action Research
Creative People and Places: Digital Engagement and Opportunities
How to…develop a meaningful digital strategy
Can the arts tackle digital exclusion?
The Libraries Taskforce: Evaluation workshops resource pack
Covid-19 Cultural Participation Monitor: December 2020
Digital engagement: findings from the Covid-19 participation monitor
Willingness to attend: findings from the Covid-19 participation monitor
Inequality through Covid: findings from the second wave of the Covid-19 participation monitor
Wellbeing and willingness to return: findings from the third wave of the Covid-19 participation monitor
Wellbeing through Covid: a deep dive from our Covid-19 Participation Monitor
Digital hybridity: a deep dive from our Covid-19 participation monitor
Safety concerns and a festive season in risk? Findings from the fourth wave of the Covid-19 participation monitor
A bleak midwinter? A deep dive from our Covid-19 participation monitor
Positive action recruitment roadmap
Building meaningful participation
The Power of Storytelling
Guide: Creating an effective audience development plan
Better data on the cultural economy: scoping study
Brave Audiences – what we know about risk taking and current trends