Morris Hargreaves McIntyre

Morris Hargreaves McIntyre is a strategic research consultancy working within the culture, heritage, leisure, media and charities sectors. Our specialism is in helping organisations develop enhanced consumer focus, resulting in better business.
We provide insight.
Resources by Morris Hargreaves McIntyre
Assesing the impact of folk festivalsStudying the potential of the craft market
The growth of the folk festival in cultural tourism
Assessing the market for original contemporary visual art
How to utilise spare capacity to stimulate repeat attendance
Who visits the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art and why
Understanding the contemporary craft market in a changing economy
The impact of the arts in Birmingham
Can a web portal develop jazz audiences?
The impacts of an immersive learning programme at Imperial War Museum
Changing arts audiences in the 21st century
The impacts of a CPD programme at Imperial War Museum
Museum volunteering evaluation programme
Opening time research for London galleries
Researching the market for contemporary craft
Visitor behaviour and engagement in the museums and heritage sector
Measuring the impact of culture in Shropshire
A literature review of architecture and design impacts
Research study on the needs and motivations of young people
Defining the market for original contemporary visual art
Test drive the arts: an introduction
Redefining audience segmentation
Audience engagement and relevance in the 21st century
V&A exhibition testing research
Veterans Reunited education learning programme at Imperial War Museum
Understanding audiences for online collections resources
Culture segments in action: British Museum case study
Evaluation of an education programme at Imperial War Museum
The impact of folk festivals
A digest of information available on audiences in the North East
Evaluating the impact of libraries’ creative reading work with emergent adult readers
Was the Books for Babies scheme a success?
Using Culture Segments to understand the New Zealand arts, culture and heritage audiences
What donors really want from charities
Using segmentation to find an audience for The Postal Museum
The DNA of Brand – Shakespeare’s Globe
14-18 NOW: Summary of Evaluation
Segmentation: introducing Culture Segments
Connecting worlds – the challenge for philanthropy in the arts
Five tips to get the most from your in-house evaluation
Evaluating the Freelance Task Force
Evaluating experiments in challenging times