Mel Larsen

Head and shoulders Mel-Larsen-

Mel Larsen has worked in the arts, culture and heritage across the UK and abroad for over 20 years. For the past 7 years (2022) , she has also worked as a small Business Coach and Facilitator.

Mel’s early career included working as Manager/Administrator for pioneering touring company Black Mime Theatre (BMT) and as Marketing Officer for Talawa Theatre Company. She then joined the A.R.T.S. consultancy firm as a full-time consultant. There she conducted feasibility research for several audience development agencies and for new building and refurbishment projects including the landmark Peckham Library.

As an independent consultant since 1999, her clients have included Arts Council England, The Arts Marketing Association, The Australian Arts Council, Creative New Zealand, CARIFORUM, Audiences Central, MLA London, The National Trust, English Heritage and The British Council, Winchester Council and Lambeth Council.
