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Janet Alderman

Janet Alderman | Digital Marketing Manager| Apples and Snakes
Janet has been working in a digital capacity for nearly ten years and started her journey working with companies such as Travis Perkins, Avon and Sky. Museums always felt like home so she retrained with an MA in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester, and specialised in digital experiences in the gallery. She has worked in the arts for four years for the Jewish Museum London, BFI, Culture24 and now for Apples and Snakes. Alongside, she is a freelancer in digital heritage with The Museum Platform and is one of the Digital Skills Mentors supporting heritage organisations taking part in The Lab strand of the Digital Heritage Lab. For fun, she can be found inline rollerblading along Brighton Seafront.

janet@applesandsnakes.org | 07496 393 793

Apples and Snakes are spoken word trailblazers, with artists at their heart. By bringing together important voices in interesting ways, they create inspiring experiences for audiences. They champion the development of extraordinary artists.

www.applesandsnakes.org | @applesandsnakes

Head and shoulders of Janet Alderman

Resources by Janet Alderman

Four people sitting on stage in conversation

The Digital Heritage Lab took place between April 2020 and June 2021 and as well as providing programme of free online training events it also gave 60 heritage organisations the opportunity to develop their digital potential with the support of a digital skills mentor. In this Reflect, Share, Inspire session Ed Archer from the Lanark and District Archaeological Society (LADAS) and Laura Drysdale from The Restoration Trust are reunited with their respective Digital Skills Mentors Alex Wilson and Janet Alderman.

black and brown typewriter

Telling your organisation’s story is the key to engaging and reaching audiences and for heritage organisations that don’t have a collection this can be a challenge. In this video, Janet Alderman explains what makes a good story and why telling your organisation’s stories can help engage with audiences. Janet looks at how to identify stories within your organisation, different types of storytelling and how to put a good story together, including tips on publishing your stories across your digital channels.

Digital Heritage Hub is managed by Arts Marketing Association (AMA) in partnership with The Heritage Digital Consortium and The University of Leeds. It has received Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and National Lottery funding, distributed by The Heritage Fund as part of their Digital Skills for Heritage initiative. Digital Heritage Hub is free and answers small to medium sized heritage organisations most pressing and frequently asked digital questions.

Arts Marketing Association
Heritage Digital
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The Heritage Fund logo