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Helen Dunnett

Helen Dunnett | Cyfarwyddwr | Helen Dunnett Consulting
Helen yw Cyfarwyddwr Helen Dunnett Consulting ac mae’n gweithio gyda chleientiaid celfyddydau, treftadaeth a diwylliannol i’w helpu i ddatblygu strategaethau Rheoli Perthnasau Cwsmeriaid, gwella a symleiddio’u prosesau busnes a chaffael meddalwedd systemau CRM/Dyrannu tocynnau. Fel ymgynghorydd celfyddydau profiadol, mae gan Helen hanes cadarn hefyd mewn marchnata a datblygu cynulleidfaoedd, rheoli prosiectau, arweinyddiaeth, datblygu sefydliadau/prosesau busnes a chyfathrebu.

Bu Helen hefyd yn gweithio mewn ystod o sefydliadau celfyddydau am dros 15 mlynedd ac yn ganolog i’r gwaith hwnnw oedd y llwyddiant sylweddol a gafodd mewn datblygu a segmentu cynulleidfaoedd gan arwain at ddatblygu Test Drive the Arts, y cyntaf erioed (gyda Morris Hargreaves McIntyre), strategaeth CRM a segmentu: Audience Builder, a llu o raglenni datblygu cynulleidfaoedd eraill a oedd yn torri tir newydd, y mae llawer ohonynt wedi’u lledaenu’n helaeth a’u copïo ar draws y DU ac Ewrop.

Mae Helen ar Fwrdd Ymgynghorol Rhwydwaith y Celfyddydau a Diwylliant, mae’n rhedeg grŵp LinkedIn ‘From Data & Systems Hell to CRM Mastery’ a hi enillodd Wobr ‘Most Outstanding Small Business Entrepreneur’ Menter y Midlands Enterprise yn 2020.

Ffôn Symudol: 07889967029

Ebost: helendunnett@hd-consulting.co.uk

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hdunnett/

Head and shoulders Helen Dunnett

Resources by Helen Dunnett

A woman's face and shoulders overlaid with a stream of data

This useful guide by Helen Dunnett explains the importance of data and the key things we need to know about collecting, storing and using it.

The back of four women standing with their arms around each others waist. One has a camera over her shoulder.

In this step-by-step guide Helen Dunnett explains how your heritage organisation can create meaningful and deeper relationships with your visitors, customers and donors through the use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

A pair of feet wearing white lace-up shoes stands on the edge of a large smiley face painted on the pavement. An arrow points to the smile.

CRM — customer relationship management — is not just about using a CRM system it’s about building and creating meaningful relationships with your visitors and audiences. In this online masterclass Helen Dunnett and Edward Appleyard provide practical insight into how a CRM strategy can work for a small to medium-sized heritage organisation and the impact it can have on audience reach and engagement.

Digital Heritage Hub is managed by Arts Marketing Association (AMA) in partnership with The Heritage Digital Consortium and The University of Leeds. It has received Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and National Lottery funding, distributed by The Heritage Fund as part of their Digital Skills for Heritage initiative. Digital Heritage Hub is free and answers small to medium sized heritage organisations most pressing and frequently asked digital questions.

Arts Marketing Association
Heritage Digital
University of Leeds logo
The Heritage Fund logo