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Dr Stephen Dobson
Stephen is a Lecturer in Creativity and Enterprise. He is an editor for the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEI). His scholarship interests are in urban performativity, creative labs, entrepreneurship, and cultural & creative industries. Prior to joining the University of Leeds, Stephen worked as a Senior Research Fellow at Coventry University’s International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship (ICTE) and Sheffield Business School – firstly as a Research Fellow and then as a Senior Lecturer.
He has represented the UK on the management committee of the European Academy of Management (EURAM). His work has an international perspective. He worked as Programme Manager for the Africa Institute for Transformational Entrepreneurship (AITE) (Coventry University) working extensively with partners from Ghana, Nigeria, Sudan, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Kenya. He has delivered two Higher Education Partnership projects with Vietnamese university partners. He sits on numerous editorial boards including, International Journal for Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research (IJEBR) and Historic Environment: Policy and Practice. He is external examiner for the University of Ghana, and for the City University of Hong Kong.

Resources by Dr Stephen Dobson

This panel discussion led by Dr Stephen Dobson features Michael Turnpenny, Head of Museum Development Yorkshire, David Johnson, Director of Strategy and Programmes at Cause4, and Jordan Taylor-Bosanko, Learning and Outreach Officer at the Museum of Cardiff. The panel discusses the key issues facing heritage organisations, approaches to partnerships, and the challenges of digital access when reaching audiences and offers insights from their own experiences working in and with the heritage sector.

In this webinar, recorded at the Digital Heritage Hub launch event, Dr Stephen Dobson provides an overview of the Digital Leadership and Digital Planning themes. From this session, you will have a better understanding of how to navigate the resources within these themes and the relationships between each set of questions. Three questions from across the Digital Leadership and Digital Planning themes are explored in more detail providing a deeper understanding of why digital change can be a necessary disruption for your organisation, how your organisation can become more audience-led, and what you as a leader need to know about social media.

The use of digital assets, whether these are created digitally from the outset (photography, video, VR/AR, GIS etc) or through the digitisation of existing assets, can provide important revenue streams as well as valuable marketing and audience engagement content. This guide explores the potential of digital assets with expert advice.

Cryptocurrency and the emergence of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) can offer unique opportunities for fundraising in the cultural sector. This guide contains case studies on how they are being used currently and offers advice from experts on how your organisation might benefit from these technologies now and in the future.

In order to maximise the value of new technologies it can be useful to partner with organisations and consultants or to commission expert services. This guide offers an overview of the most popular technological applications in heritage sites and museums and a checklist to help you focus your decision making when considering investment in new technologies.