Dr. Emily Zobel Marshall

Dr. Emily Zobel Marshall | Author, poet and academic | Leeds Beckett University
Dr. Emily Zobel Marshall’s research is informed by Postcolonial theory and spans a broad range of concerns, including examinations of constructions of identity, race and racial politics and Caribbean carnival cultures.
Emily’s books include Anansi’s Journey: A Story of Jamaican Cultural Resistance (2012) published by the University of the West Indies Press and American Trickster: Trauma Tradition and Brer Rabbit, was published by Rowman and Littlefield in 2019. She has had poems published in the Peepal Tree Press Inscribe Anthology (2019), Magma (‘The Loss’, Issue 75, 2019), Smoke Magazine (Issue 67, 2020) and The Caribbean Writer (Vol 32, 2020 & Vol 35, 2021).
Emily is Vice Chair of the David Oluwale Memorial Association, a charity committed to fighting racism and homelessness, and a Creative Associate of the art-based youth charity The Geraldine Connor Foundation.