Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance

The Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance is a sector support organisation for the cultural sector, funded by Arts Council England.
It is here to connect everyone who believes that creative and cultural engagement can transform our health and wellbeing, and to provide support, information and networking opportunities for its membership, the wider sector, and anyone interested in the relationship between the arts, heritage, creativity and health and wellbeing. It works in partnership with organisations across both the cultural and health sectors – as well as education, criminal justice and many other areas.
Membership of the Alliance is free.
The Alliance is currently governed by Arts and Health South West – an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation. It aims to become an independent entity in 2020.
Resources by Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance
Guidance: Online working and online SafeguardingCulture Health and Wellbeing Alliance: Social prescribing – facts and links
Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance: Practitioner support resources
From surviving to thriving: building a model for sustainable practice in creativity and mental health
The Creative Health Quality Framework