Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy

The Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy Programme was established to transform fundraising across the arts and cultural sector.
The Programme was the result of an Arts Council England commissioned grant and has been developed and is led by the Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy Consortium. Consortium partners include the DARE Partnership of Opera North and the University of Leeds, Cause4 and the Arts Marketing Association.
The Programme’s aims and objectives are:
- To develop an enterprising culture in which income generation is placed at the heart of an arts organisation’s business model and ethos
- To ensure more income is generated for the arts from private giving and businesses
- To develop the skills of individuals and organisations seeking to fundraise from the private sector and individual donors
- To achieve a demonstrable change in the professionalism of the arts fundraising sector by building on, and sharing, existing good practice across the third sector
- To build a peer-to-peer leadership community which positions arts fundraising as a desirable career and which retains and develops talent
- To maximise learning through knowledge-exchange, resources and thought leadership
Resources by Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy
Catalyst Workshop: National Centre for Circus Arts presentationThe Musician as Fundraiser
Now, New and Next for Cultural Fundraisers: The Technology edition
Now, New and Next for Cultural Fundraisers. Fundraising at Times of Crisis.
Ethical Fundraising. Step-by-step guide and policy template for arts, heritage and cultural organisations
Now, New and Next for cultural fundraisers. What next?
The impact of Covid-19 on fundraising, marketing and audience development
Now, New and Next: Fundraising philanthropy and the environmental agenda
Now, New and Next: The Arts and Technology, what’s next for fundraising?