Arts Council England

Arts Council England champions, develops and invests in artistic and cultural experiences that enrich people’s lives.
They support a range of activities across the arts, museums and libraries – from theatre to digital art, reading to dance, music to literature, and crafts to collections.
Great art and culture inspires us, brings us together and teaches us about ourselves and the world around us. In short, it makes life better.
Resources by Arts Council England
How to develop a diverse audience baseFamily friendly toolkit
How to work with arts ambassadors
Get a quick overview of the landscape of cultural provision for children and young people
Find further information and corrections to the guidelines for access in buildings
Find information and guidelines for access in buildings following the Disability Discrimination Act
The theory and rationale behind adult participatory arts practice
Explore the background and policy guiding arts work with refugees, and case studies of good practice
Explore case studies of how the arts and artists have contributed to regeneration and vibrant communities
London's outdoor arts in the public realm
What is the impact of engagement with and attendance at arts events on children and young people – for future audience development
How endowments might be used to support the funding economy of the arts in Britain
Taking Part Survey audience patterns, behaviour and barriers
Hints and tips guide to working with MPs
How arts organisations in the North West addressed new ways of developing audiences
Practical guide to researching economic benefits for arts and cultural organisations
Understand the potential of open studio events and how to invest in them
A guide to evaluating arts education projects
Positive arts-based activities for young people
A review of the state of the Poetry sector in England and how a Thrive! Action plan might help strengthen it
Envisioning the library of the future
Understanding what young people think about libraries
Understanding what people value about libraries
What people think about libraries – survey results
Catalyst Workshop: National Centre for Circus Arts presentation
ACE Culture Change Toolkit
ACE Making a shift
ACE Survey on Leadership
Arts Council England – The Conversation
Equality, Diversity and the Creative Case
Cultural Democracy in Practice
Leadership, workforce development and skills: Evidence Review
How to develop diverse leadership
Changing Cultures – transforming leadership in the arts, museums and libraries
Cultural Cities Enquiry. Enriching UK cities through smart investment in culture.
Consultation: Shaping the next ten years
Video: The under-representation of disabled people across the arts and cultural sector.
Webinar: Digging into socio-economic diversity
Let’s Create: Arts Council England strategy 2020-2030
Digital Culture Compass
Digital Culture 2019 Report
How to find and grow diverse talent
Culture, Climate and Environmental Responsibility: Annual Report 20-21
Arts Council England Environmental Sustainability Report 2021/2022
Cultural Freelancers Study 2024