Webinar: Covid-19: “The great unequaliser?”
Webinar: Covid-19: “The great unequaliser?”
Centre for Cultural Value
Is the pandemic the catalyst the sector needs to build a more equal future? What questions should we be asking and how can we accelerate the pace of change?
On Friday 12 March 2021 we brought together leading contributors from the academic and cultural sectors, and an audience of nearly 200 people, for our first Covid-19 research webinar - Covid-19: “The great unequaliser?”
The webinar shared emerging findings from our national research into the impacts of Covid-19, with a focus on inequalities, and asked what we can do as a sector to ensure we build back a more equal future.
We were joined by project researchers Mark Taylor, Karen Gray, Ben Dunn, John Wright and Oliver Mantell, as well as guest contributors, Dr Roaa Ali from the University of Manchester and Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity, and Lara Ratnaraja, a consultant who specialises in diversity, leadership, collaboration and innovation in cultural policy.
If you missed the webinar you can catch up below.