How to… develop a research question
How to… develop a research question
Lisa Baxter
Are there issues or challenges you face as an organisation? Are you or do you aspire to be a learning organisation? Could research help you develop a better understanding of the cultural value of your work? If you answer yes to any of these, this guide will help you develop the research questions that structure your research.
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"At the heart of any research is a good research question that sets out the purpose for the research in a way that is clear, simple, interesting, relevant and answerable. Too broad and you may lose focus. Too narrow and you might hamstring creative thinking and the potential for ‘serendipity’. At the same time, you need to ensure your question is rigorous, open and doesn’t presuppose a given answer."
In this guide, Lisa Baxter share thoughts, questions and activities to guide you through the process and help you develop a research question. The best way to read this, therefore, is with a pencil in hand and a blank piece of paper in front of you.