Working together

Working together

Issue 70 / Spring 2018

Working towards shared outcomes

As we wrap up and review the pilot of Shared Ambition — Fundraising and Marketing Together, we’re taking the opportunity to explore that very topic in this issue of JAM.
How many of us can say, hand on heart, that our organisations are perfectly aligned internally; that each department or team or area, works to the same set of objectives? Most of us would say we could improve on that front.
And that’s where Shared Ambition comes in. Launched in Spring 2017, 12 organisations took part in the pilot, which included research and intensive residential training, and culminated in a ‘sharing day’
on 1 February at the Birmingham Hippodrome.
In this season’s JAM, we hear from some of the programme participants. We get an insight into the day-to-day realities of shifting an organisation’s culture. Sarah Ogle and Rowena Dean from Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse discuss how looking at the structure of their teams feeds into the ways they grow their audiences. And Northern Stage’s Amy Fawdington and Andrew McIntyre explore how bringing different teams together has led to a successful sponsorship bid.
Debbie Richards, of Baker Richards (one of the programme partners), and Liv Nilssen of Spektrix tackle the subject of what it really means to collaborate, each from their own unique perspective.
And we’re casting our net wider than the Shared Ambition participants. Pippa Lea and Rachael White from FACT in Liverpool, spoke to our very own Verity Sanderson about their experience of working to shared outcomes.
In Connect Discover Inspire, Margaret Henry describes the process and reasons behind the relaunch of Audiences NI as thrive. Curtis Fulcher from The Courtyard, Hereford, explains why he takes his team to the AMA conference every year. And this issue’s Spotlight falls on the AMA’s Administration and Office Coordinator, Christopher Beck.
Guest editor — Lucy Jamieson, Head of Programme, AMA
Any thoughts, comments or suggestions for JAM? Please email the Editor, Jacqueline Haxton at