Using qualitative research to inform a segmentation system
Gaining key insights from combining qualitative and quantitative research techniques at the Edinburgh International Film Festival. This article was first published in JAM (issue 33 / January 2009).
Article snippet
The risk-taking segments saw more films and booked further in advance than their more cautious counterparts.
By combining the qualitative data with the quantitative data we were able to measure the size of these segments and their relative value to the festival.
A marketing strategy was developed that had the objectives of boosting income by selling more tickets by encouraging more advance booking and increasing average frequency by encouraging more people to take more risks with the films they booked for.
The qualitative research helped the festival to understand what the various segments needed from the festival: Cautious Gamblers needed helpful signposting to the more obscure films in the brochure; matching of obscure films with more mainstream films; a website that helped bookers make a selection that included films they might not otherwise consider; helpful sales staff who encouraged them to see more films on the basis of what they were choosing.
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