The changing shape of the arts in broadcasting

The changing shape of the arts in broadcasting

Broadcasters have identified an appetite for arts stories, and are looking at how to deliver new arts programming. Matthew Cain, culture editor at Channel 4 News, explains what’s happening, and how arts and cultural organisations can engage broadcast journalists and arts editors in covering arts stories, increasing press coverage and even co-producing new television series. (This article was first published in the Conference Report for AMA conference 2011).

Article snippet

The need became more pressing when market research showed a huge appetite for the arts on television. Channel 4 discovered that viewers found it difficult to sit through a whole hour of politics, war and business and that they were looking for some ‘texture’ in the programme. Many viewers saw this texture as being identified with culture. Presumably, the BBC discovered something similar because around the same time they appointed Will Gompertz as their arts editor.

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