Should your organisation have a membership scheme?

Should your organisation have a membership scheme?

Would a membership scheme work for your organisation? In this article, Heather Maitland looks at research and current thinking on membership and friends schemes and suggests a three-step process from Katy Raines to assess the suitability. This article was first published in JAM (issue 42 / April 2011).

Article snippet

Friends and members schemes are not unique to our sector.  Supporters’ groups donating time and money can be found in the education, health and social care, environmental and youth development sectors as well as affiliated to religious organisations. And they can be huge money spinners. In 2010, the National Trust had 3.7m members earning £125.2m in fees alone.

So should your organisation have a membership scheme? It sounds like a no-brainer but I’m not so sure.

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