

Issue 61 / February 2016

The road to resilience

We keep hearing the term ‘resilience’ being used throughout the arts and cultural sector but what do we mean by resilience? How can an organisation become and remain resilient? And what role can marketers take to support this?

In this issue of JAM we aim to tackle these questions. We take a closer look at resilience and the journey arts and cultural organisations can take in order to become more resilient.

Julie Aldridge, the AMA’s Executive Director, starts the journey by considering what is meant by resilience and what it can mean to you and your organisation. Putting this theory into practice, Cara Sutherland, Museum Curator at the Mental Health Museum shares her organisation’s experiencs of Future Proof Museums; a programme aimed at enabling museums to become more resilient.

Andrew McIntyre, Director at Morris Hargreaves McIntyre, reflects on the benefits of having a cause-led manifesto to inspire agile leadership and increase organisational resilience. Change management consultant, Susan Royce, explains how business models can help build resilience and introduces the Business Model Canvas.

Mark Wright, Director at People Create, focuses on the role of leaders in enabling an organisation to survive and thrive. Leadership is key with Amber Massie-Blomfield as she reflects on her journey to becoming a leader from marketing and communications background.

Ben Park, Spektrix’s Head of Business Development, consider how diversifying revenue streams can help enable arts and cultural organisations to become financially resilient.

The Middle Pages introduces Building Resilience a new suite of online modules developed in partnership with Wolff Olins and supported by Arts Council England. The spotlight falls on Sara Lock, the AMA’s new Associate Editor and queen of CultureHive and Neil Parker celebrates over 15 years of the AMA Mentoring scheme.

We take just a minute’s ride with Giulia Crossley from Julie’s Bicycle and Keren Nicol, from Citizens Theatre in Glasgow, shares her member’s case study in Connect, Discover, Inspire.

Any thoughts, comments or suggestions for JAM? Please email the Editor.

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