Profound change for the media landscape

Profound changes in the media landscape

An overview of how to engage appropriately with digital and social media, using the five Cs of Choice, Context, Control, Communication and Communities as guiding principals.  Learn how to become part of your audience’s online journey, not just a final destination, creating communications threads that will keep pulling customers back to you. (This article was first published in the event report for the AMA’s Press and PR Summit 2011).

Article snippet

  • Choice an explosion of choice in media channels: television, websites, but also there were more books and magazines published last year worldwide than ever before.
  • Context a change in the contexts in which we consume and create media. It isn’t odd to be reading newspapers on the phone, downloading video in all sorts of places.
  • Control — control of what we choose to do with these media. And the web is all about our choices and what we want to do next — and that applies to games too. It is a massive shift but we do take it for granted. This is worth bearing in mind in our work place. What does control mean for the project you are briefing or creating? How much control have you given to the ‘people formerly known as the audience’?
  • Communication — we routinely take advantage of communication technologies that five or ten years ago were the domain of professionals, whether it’s an HD camera on the back of an iPad or the capability to blog and publish. We use what were formerly known as professional media in ways we wouldn’t have believed just a few years ago to communicate with each other and with specialist groups. This is one of the ideas at the heart of today, the break down in the boundaries between ‘professional’ and ‘amateur’.
  • Communities — we are all members of shifting groups. These are no longer necessarily about place, but about our history, our interests, where we are in any one moment for instance on FourSquare.

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