Monitoring and evaluating across digital platforms

Monitoring and evaluating across digital platforms

There is no definitive answer on how social media should be measured, but there are effective ways to see the success of our digital output and how audiences are responding to us online. This case study from Kenon Man looks at how Sherman Cymru are engaging digitally with their audiences. This article was first published in JAM (issue 48 / November 2012).

Article snippet

I started to gather various metrics and ended up with a spreadsheet that a statistician would be proud of but was no use to anyone. So I decided to break the questions down into simpler and more manageable ones. Are audiences talking with us and are they talking about us? As we all know, online content is created with the purpose for it to be shared and to generate conversation, so the ‘I have x number of followers’ metric doesn’t really tell  me anything about our audiences and the relationship they have with us.

To read the full article download The importance of play.

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