Managing your stakeholders

Managing your stakeholders

Issue 32 / October 2008

In this issue of JAM on managing your stakeholders, Christy Farnbauch discusses the day-to-day challenges of leading with limited authority (page 8), Rick Bond looks at how to improve your relationship with your board (page 10), and Jane Donald makes media connections for the Celtic Connections festival (page 19).

Jerry Yoshitomi explains that you don’t have to be a person of influence to be influential (page 6), Sue Colvin examines a new model for managing a diverse range of stakeholder relationships (page 15) and Alasdair Cant looks at some basics of successfully achieving influence (page 21).

Heather Maitland uncovers the secrets behind successful partnerships (page 4) while the spotlight falls on Kate Whitlock, freelance AMA sponsorship manager.

The middle pages include the AMA annual review for 2007 – 2008; to give you an insight into what we have been up to.

Any thoughts, comments or suggestions for JAM? Please email the Editor.