How to write a Press Release
Whatever you’re announcing or promoting a well written press release is essential. This resource — How to write a Press Release — will help you write a press release that captures the attention of media outlets and help secure press coverage.
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Planning your Press Release
Before you start writing your press release you need to ask yourself: what’s newsworthy about this press release? What’s the story and what’s ‘new’ within that story?
Pull-out the interesting elements of your story — the unusual or the unexpected — the elements that will capture the attention of an editor or journalist.
When you email your press release clearly label it Press Release and include an eye-capturing subject line. Make it easy for the journalist to understand what the press release is about.
Editors and journalists receive lots of press releases each day and they don’t have time to decipher what each one is about. Having a clear, descriptive and concise subject line that states what the press release is about will help. Most journalists will decide whether to read your email based on that subject line.
Keep the press release to about one side of A4 and paste it within the body of your email as well as adding it as an attachment — journalists don’t have time to download press releases to read them.
To read the full resource download How to write a Press Release.