How to avoid journalists hitting the delete button
Better press coverage in ten steps. This article was first published in JAM (issue 25 / April 2007).
Article snippet
1. Get to know your local journalists
Speak to your local media. Find out who your local contacts are and which areas they specialise in. Make an effort to meet them and actually get to know them. Invite them round for a coffee and show them round your venue, so they are aware of your product first hand. Of course you can do this with national journalists too, but it may well take a specifically targeted media event to entice them along.
2. Know your product
Don’t just email a press release with scant details about your event, as the journalist won’t ring you to ask for any more information. Be concise, accurate, but clear with your words, and try to avoid ‘arts speak’. If the journalist doesn’t understand what you’ve sent them, why would a reader?
To read the full article download Ten top tips for better press coverage.