Going Green
Issue 74 / Spring 2020
Dealing with the climate emergency
As Louise Allen from New Adventures says: “Implementing small changes can make a big difference.”
Empowering individuals to reassess, question and re-evaluate what they’re doing within their roles in terms of environmental sustainability can greatly impact an organisation’s action on the climate crisis. That’s definitely my big takeaway from this issue and that’s why the AMA has decided to make JAM a digital-only publication. This issue will be the last printed JAM that you’ll receive.
We open with Becky Hazlewood and Alison Tickell from Julie’s Bicycle explaining the urgent need for sustainable practice and the pivotal role culture can play in climate justice. The arts and cultural sector can take a practical lead on climate change and Katie Haines explores Artsadmin’s journey in becoming a more sustainable organisation.
We have three great case studies of arts organisations leading on environmental sustainability practice. Louise Allen details New Adventures’ Green Adventures and its involvement in the Creative Green Touring Initiative. Debbie Bell and Alison Criddle from HOME explain the development of HOME’s Carbon Literacy training programme for all staff. And Vikki Chapman from Festival Republic details the Zero Waste Festival Goer campaign and other sustainable initiatives aimed at making festival audiences more environmentally aware.
Jacob Young of Young Design Studio writes about his approach to sustainable design and planning, and the sustainability work he’s done with the AMA.
In Untold Stories Chris Blythe, Leeds Grand & Opera House’s CEO, explains the impact the AMA’s Breakthrough programme has had on his organisation’s work on equality, diversity and inclusion. And Jemma Green, Senior Sales and Marketing Officer at the AMA, finally takes the Spotlight.
Please note that following recent government advice regarding coronavirus, the AMA’s Inclusivity & Audiences Day (page 5) will not now be taking place on 13 May 2020 and the next round of the AMA’s Breakthrough programme (page 20) has been postponed. For up to date details on all events and programmes mentioned in JAM 74 please check relevant links listed within each article.
Any thoughts, comments or suggestions for JAM? Please email the Editor, Jacqueline Haxton at jacqueline@a-m-a.co.uk.
JAM cover image © Smileus — stock.adobe.com