Digital analytics culture in arts organisations

Digital analytics culture in arts organisations

In many cases, museums and other cultural institutions stumble blindly into the world of analytics, and at first see metrics reporting as a peripheral activity, largely undertaken without a plan or dedicated resources. They miss the opportunity to fully understand the deep insights analytics can offer. This case study presents the steps taken at Tate to establish a culture of analytics throughout the organisation. This article was first published in JAM (issue 48 / November 2012).

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Where would you like to go?
Once you understand where you are, the next step is to define where you want to go next. Start by answering some key questions to help you form your strategic approach:

  • What purpose would you like the analytics to serve in your organisation?
  • Have you got a clear strategy and clear objectives?
  • What would be the most efficient way of setting up the governance and ownership of the analytics in your organisation?
  • How will you set up processes to make sure the analytics become integrated into the organisational culture?

Don’t forget that the development of an analytics strategy is a continuous and iterative process that should organically evolve as the online ecosystem changes to support your organisation’s overall aims.

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