Developing audiences
Issue 15 / October 2004
Developing audiences – everybody’s at it and funders can’t get enough of it. But are we really sure what it is? Do we need to have a collective definition or can we simply decide within our own organisations what we believe it means? Heather Maitland writes about this very issue (page 23) and includes a list of texts from her recent Arts Research Digest article to help us make up our minds.
JAM also looks at some of the ways we ‘do’ audience development with case studies from Chapter in Cardiff, MAMAS in Australia and Tate. There are features from Ivan Wadeson who discusses arts marketing versus audience development; the same but different? (page 4), Maddy Morton who describes the recent Not for the Likes of You project and the outcomes (page 7) and Andrew McIntyre explains a new integrated arts marketing management system, Audience Builder (page 18).
Writing this in the summer it seems appropriate that David Dixon has taken his goat surfing in What Gets My Goat on page 17 and we share a Day in the Life of Anita Dinham as she prepares at this time to take on her new role as diversity manager at Audiences Central.
Issue editor: Helen Bolt
Any thoughts, comments or suggestions for JAM? Please email the Editor, Jacqueline Haxton at