Cultural tourism

Cultural tourism

Issue 51 / August 2013

The summer edition of JAM is all about cultural tourism

Appropriately this issue hit desks in the summer when we are all (hopefully) getting the chance to travel, take time out and see what cultural offerings other towns and cities at home and abroad have to offer. As well as lounging on the beach or by the pool (reading your JAM of course). If you do happen to have a well-travelled JAM with you in an exotic location… please Tweet us a pic @amadigital.

In her regular research round up and before she took off for her summer hols Heather Maitland took us on a trip around some cultural tourism stats while Pam Jarvis investigates how culture is looked at as a fix for many things and just how involved cultural tourism can be.

Kerstin Glasow reviews how the Art Fund dramatically grew their membership base and increased funding for museums and galleries across the UK while Helen Palmer takes a look at the current focus on cultural tourism and what it means for the cultural sector. She joins up with Susie Stubbs to us on a visit to the Manchester Weekender and then Jonathan Mountford looks at bringing our nation to life. He reports on the arrival next year of MAMMA MIA! to Blackpool and how they hope to attract many more visitors to the resort.

Karan Thompson guides us through the background and inception of the Tourism Toolkit for Ireland’s Cultural Experiences which helps cultural organisations in Ireland to realise their potential and develop their offer within the cultural tourism market. We travel from Ireland to Wales for Just a Minute with Joanna Davies while AMA team members Neil and Isky take us around the country with the AMA members reps in the Middle Pages. The Spotlight lands on Claire Treadwell as she reveals what she’s been up to on her career journey to become Head of Marketing here at the AMA.

Any thoughts, comments or suggestions for JAM? Please email the Editor.

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